10 Minute Microgreen Masterclass

Microgreens make it super easy for you to grow your own fresh organic greens, no matter how much space you have.

Microgreens are the greens and herbs you are familiar with, but at their tiniest, most nutritious stage. Packed with nutrients that keep your gut healthy and your immune system strong.

Sign up today and learn how to grow your own Microgreens - From seed to plate in 7-10 days!

PLUS claim 15% Discount Code For Teeny Greeny Organic Microgreen Grow Kits!

Grow All Year Round

Who says you can't grow all year round in the UK? You can with our microfarm kits - even in the depths of Winter when we have shorter days and much colder nights it's possible!

In Any Space

Even if you have minimal space, no garden required! You can grow these mighty greens by get creative using a shelf or on a windowsill!

Boost Your Health Benefits

Containing 40X the nutrients than the mature plants, Microgreens are a great source of many nutrients we need. They all include beta carotene, carotenoids, lutein, zeathanthin, vitamin C, vitamin K , calcium , polyphenols (also called Antioxidants).

Quick & Simple To Grow

Ready to eat within 7-10 days - add them to salads, smoothies, sprinkle them over soups, stir them into stews and add them to stir-fries, curries, risottos, pasta bakes, and casseroles – the sky’s the limit!

Enhance Your Well-Being

Research suggests being in the general proximity of plants is beneficial for our mental health. Growing your own greens gives you something tangible to focus on. Plants give you the opportunity to be creative and help reduce stress.