Let the Music Nourish your Microgreens!

Let the Music Nourish your Microgreens!

Have you ever wondered why plants seem to thrive when music is playing nearby?

Well, let me share with you this fascinating phenomenon!

Did you know that studies suggest that plants can benefit from the power of music, just like we do? It turns out that melodies have a positive effect on plant growth, and here's why:


Rhythmic Vibrations: Plants respond to the gentle vibrations caused by music. The rhythmic beats and melodies create vibrations that stimulate the plant cells, enhancing their growth and development. 

Stress Reduction: Just like us, plants can experience stress. Playing soothing tunes can help reduce plant stress levels by creating a calm and serene environment. This relaxed state allows them to absorb nutrients more efficiently, leading to healthier and more robust growth.

Increased Photosynthesis: Music can improve photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. The sound waves encourage stomatal opening, facilitating better gas exchange and nutrient absorption. This, in turn, results in increased plant productivity and vitality. 

Positive Energy: Have you noticed how you feel more energised and positive when listening to your favourite tunes? Well, plants can also benefit from the positive energy and good vibes that music brings. It uplifts their spirits, so to speak, creating an environment where they can thrive and flourish. 


So, next time you're tending to your garden or indoor plants, consider playing some gentle tunes in the background (birdsong seemed to be a firm favourite when I was running the Teeny Greeny urban farm) Not only will you enjoy the music, but your plants will also thank you with their lush greenery, whether that’s your house plants or your Microgreens!! 💚 


*Side note if you’re into Heavy Metal or Punk Rock they may not like it quite as much according to Dorothy Retallack - I have listed some helpful research done below if you want to continue your own research into the effect of music on plant growth!


So, on that note (pun intended) My tune whilst sowing more seeds today was Gloria Gaynors “I am What I am” - I have shared a link if you want to get in the groove too, feel free to share your experiences with music and plants in the comments below! 


#musicandplants #iamwhatiam






"The Effect of Music on Plant Growth" by Dorothy Retallack (1973):

In this famous study, Dorothy Retallack examined the impact of various genres of music on plant growth. She exposed plants to classical music, rock music, and no music at all. Retallack found that the plants exposed to classical music showed enhanced growth and turned towards the music source, while the plants exposed to rock music displayed stunted growth and leaned away from the speakers.


"The Influence of Sound Wave Stimulation on Plant Growth and Development" by Monica Gagliano et al. (2012):

This study investigated the effects of different sound frequencies on plants. Researchers exposed young pea plants to a range of sound wave frequencies, including white noise and pure tones. The results indicated that specific sound frequencies significantly influenced root and shoot growth, with some frequencies leading to increased growth rates compared to control groups.


"Sound Stimulation by Music Influences Plant Growth" by M. Nageswara Rao and S. Radhakrishnan (2018):

This study examined the influence of music on the growth of tomato plants. The researchers exposed the plants to different genres of music, including classical, pop, and Carnatic music. The findings showed that the plants exposed to classical and Carnatic music exhibited improved growth parameters, such as increased height, leaf area, and biomass, compared to the plants not exposed to music or exposed to pop music.


These studies provide interesting insights into the potential effects of music on plant growth. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these observations, they contribute to the growing body of knowledge regarding the relationship between sound and plant development.

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